
Akashic Records
The Akashic Records is a record of everything that has ever happened to your soul, it is the record of your soul’s journey through the universe and can only be opened with your permission. When your Akashic Record is opened in reading, only the information that you are prepared to receive comes forward. This information can be very specific or more general in nature.
How Do We Open Your Akashic Records And What Happens?
The session will begin with me asking you to tell me what you’d like to work on today. What issue led you to contact me? It might be your whole life story or just something that’s keeping you stuck currently. In this part of the session, don’t hold back. The more sincere and specific you are, the better. Remember, we are working to move you towards joy by uncovering soul-level truths.
To open your Akashic records, we will begin with a grounding meditation, before setting intentions and then with permission opening them. To access your Akashic Records, we will use your full birth name. I will then open your records by reciting a short, sacred incantation.
Once in your records I often see objects that are relevant to what we need to investigate further in this session. Sometimes I hear or see messages from your record keepers. I also often feel energy in my body indicating where things that need releasing are being held in my body. Together we can investigate what is going on for you and the origins, before releasing what comes up. We can then align to what you desire moving forward, how you would like your life to be and what you would like more of in your life. Your record keepers may also offer a healing meditation as part of the session, which is beautifully relaxing and healing.

What Can You Work On In Your Akashic Records?
Your Akashic Record Reading can be based on the questions you ask. Your questions can be specific or general and on almost any topic including life purpose, career, health, relationships, or money. Please be open to sharing how you feel about the topic that you wish to gain information on as it can help with getting to the root of what needs releasing. Alternatively, the record keepers often show me something when the records open and this can often be the key as to what needs working on today.
The questions can range from the mundane to the spiritual; all are valid and appropriate if they are important to you.
Things You Might Like To Work On:
· Releasing stuck energy/ emotions/ thoughts/ beliefs/ trauma/ things in your way or holding you back.
· Asking your record keepers for guidance.
· Align yourself to what you desire and what is in your highest good.
· Open your energy centres.
· Manifesting.
· Switching timelines.
· Becoming your desired future self.
· Relationships – of those on Earth or those who have passed.
· Health.
· Work.
· Money.
· Anything and Everything!
Where Can Your Akashic Records Take You?
· To past and parallel lives
· To visit ancestors
· To visit your future self
· To Starseed planets (Other lifetimes on other planets)
What Do I Need To Be Aware Of?
· Energy work happens in layers – things come up at the right time and when you are ready to work through it.
· Energy comes up in different ways for different people – sometimes you may feel it in your body, sometimes an image may pop into your head – trust what you notice and share what comes up during your session.
· The consultation is not intended to replace medical, psychological, or legal advice. It is intended to help you on your healing journey by helping you discover, understand, clear or learn to work through blockages and issues in your life that are causing you stress and discord, or helping you to awaken to and learn to live your soul's purpose with an opportunity to receive messages of inspiration and find clarity.